don't give up!

Are you making preserves? Do you have sugar and toilet paper in a stock? Did you put cash in your closet? Do you carry the starting cables and a bottle of water in your car? Then, you know it’s worth being prepared. With us, you can put that knowledge in order and refill your supplies. You can’t stop the catastrophe but you can survive and elevate your live comfort. You will be prepared!

How to start?

2014th was the year when we started our preparations. Up then, worldwide pandemic was at the low-possible level of occurrence. Today is a fact. Find out how to stay safe during a pandemic or how to deal with the long-term unemployment caused by a pandemic.

The drought, which has lasted for several years, has intensified this year, and along with it, fires have appeared and food prices have increased as a result of the drought. We all needed rain and it has been raining for the last few weeks. But, unfortunately, it was mainly sudden, short-term and enormously heavy rainfall. There were many inundations and floods in the country. After the flooding of the Bełchatów power plant, the price of electricity increased sharply. Power cuts are possible. That's why we say Prepare yourself.

In case of emergency there is no time to think, you have to have a plan and act

Down here you will learn:

What are the threats?

Description of the danger and the proceeding BEFORE the threat occurrence, DURING its presence and AFTER the retreat, you will find inside THREATS tab.

Jak Sie Przygotowac M

How to get ready?

How to collect supplies AT HOME, how not to follow the crowd, OUTDOOR and carry your own evacuation backpack EVERYWHERE. Details inside BE READY tab.

How to design a plan?

How to create communication and evacuation plans for yourself and your family? Look into MAKE A PLAN tab.

How to survive?

How to survive first 72 hours after the occurrence of the threat? You can learn this at the TRAINING, moreover feel free to look into PRIMER tab as well. PRIMER tab as well.
