Nuclear power plants

Many countries of the world have nuclear power plants. Power stations use the heat generated by nuclear fussion in a closed environment to convert water into steam, which drives the generators to produce electricity. Although the construction and operation of such facilities are closely monitored and regulated by the authorities appointed for this purpose, accidents may happen. These can cause dangerous levels of radiation that affect the health and safety of the population living nearby.


To protect yourself, your family and property from the nuclear power plant breakdowns, devise a Family emergency plan.


If an accident at a nuclear power plant is going to result in the release of radiation, the local authorities will activate warning sirens or another approved warning method. Additionally, they’ll demonstrate how to protect yourself through announcements on local TV and radio stations.

• Follow the authorities’ instructions and announcements
• Minimize an exposure to radiation by increasing the distance between you and the radiation source. This may be evacuation or staying indoor to minimize the impact
• In case of being asked to evacuate, do so immediately
• Take your evacuation backpack with you, always keep it on standby in an easily accessible place
• If you’re in a car, close windows and vents of the car immediately, use circulating air
• Turn off the air conditioner, fans, stove and other air inlets if it’s recommended to stay indoor
• Cover yourself by placing heavy, dense material between you and the radiation source. Move to a basement or other underground area if possible
• Avoid the radiation source area


Below we present some guidelines for the period following a nuclear power plant accident:
• Keep up to date, listen to local radio or TV stations for the latest news
• If you either have been exposed to hazardous radiation or have come in contact with it, act quickly. Follow the authorities’ instructions for decontamination
• Change clothes and shoes. Put the removed clothing in a plastic bag, seal it and put aside
• If you experienced unusual symptoms, such as nausea, contact a doctor as soon as possible
• Get involved in helping others – small children, the elderly and people with disabilities may need extra help
• You shouldn’t return home until the authorities decide that it’s safe enough
• Keep food in covered containers or in the fridge. Throw away any food that may have been directly exposed to the radiation
