
Smog is an artificial fog, created by mixing air with pollutants, exhaust fumes resulting from human activities and certain unfavourable natural circumstances. Factories, cars, burning coal and other solid fuels in furnaces are responsible for smog. Its’ appearance is also being affected by windless weather, climate change and land conditions.
Smog is a poison in the form of dense fog or the smell of air filled with perceptible toxins. The emission of pollutants takes place at a low altitude, which is the reason why pollutants have the greatest impact on people.


• Listen to local weather reports and alerts
• Prepare a reserve of anti-smog masks


• Avoid walking in the open air
• Stop playing sports outside
• Restrict ventilating rooms
• Choose public transport
• Don’t burn the garbage in the stove or fireplace
• If you suffer from respiratory or circulatory diseases, contact your doctor
• Under no circumstances underestimate the effects of smog:
o The appearance of allergies and asthma
o Triggering respiratory failure
o Immunosuppression of the entire body
o Causing cardiovascular and heart disease
o The appearance of cancer

Indirect effects of smog may be long-lasting and can also affect food (meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit).

