First aid

You are the help before the emergency services arrival:

  • Remember that rescue actions taken within first 3-5 minutes from an accident, increases the chances of the victim’s survival
  • Stay calm
  • Before undertaking rescue operations, make sure that you and the victim aren’t in danger – then you can approach the victim safely
  • Organize the help immediately and contact emergency services. If possible, ask for help witnesses – remember to assign tasks to specific people
  • Assess the situation. Check how many people are affected, who’s in the worst condition. Remember that the loudest complainant may need least help than the silent one
  • Try to identify the cause of the injury. However, it may be difficult to make an unambiguous assessment especially, when the person in need is unconscious
  • Provide the necessary aid as soon as possible, using the available resources. Remember that an incident’s victim may suffer from more than one cause, so firstly, deal with the most serious injury
  • If there is an AED in the proximity, send a specific person to bring it and follow the instructions given by the device

Adult resuscitation algorithm

    • Kneel down next to the victim
    • Place the wrist of one hand in the middle of the injured person's chest (do not press the abdomen or lower end of the sternum)
    • Place the other hand's wrist on top of the one already in place and intertwine the hands
    • Lean over the injured person, straighten the arms perpendicular to the breastbone and press down to a depth of approx. 5 cm
    • Release the pressure on the chest after each press, without tearing your hands off the sternum
    • Repeat the presses at 100 squeezes per minute
    • After 30 chest compressions, clear the airways by bending the head and lifting the mandible
    • Tighten the injured person's nose and take 2 rescue breaths inhaling air into the injured person's mouth
    • Continue chest compressions and rescue breaths at a ratio of 30:2
    • Stop working to check the victim's condition only if he or she starts to breathe properly. Otherwise, do not interrupt resuscitationContinue resuscitation unless:
      • The medical services arrive and take over the action
      • The victim starts to breathe properly
      • You are exhausted, in this case try to find help without stopping resuscitation
      • There will be a situation that threatens your safety
      • Put the victim in a safe position
      • Test the breath regularly
        • As soon as possible organize assistance and call the emergency services
        • Turn the victim on his back and then clear his airways by tilting his head back and raising his jaw
        • While keeping the airway clear, look for proper breathing, with sight, hearing and touch
        • Assess chest movements with your eyes
        • Listen to the affected person's lips for breathing sounds
        • Try to feel the air movement on your cheek
          • Leave the victim in the position where you found him, as long as he isn’t in any danger
          • Find out as much as possible about the victim's condition and regularly assess it, call for help
            • Take care of your safety and make sure that the victim and all witnesses are safe as well
            • Check the victim’s reactions: gently shake his shoulders and ask loudly: "Are you all right? What happened?"


        CAUTION! During first minutes after cardiac arrest, the victim may have poor breathing or may take loud, single sighs. These shouldn’t be confused with normal breathing. Allow maximum 10 seconds for visual, auditory and tactile evaluation. If you have any doubt whether the breathing is normal, act as if it’s not.

        When the victim is breathing, and the circulation restored, place him in a safe position and protect from heat loss regularly evaluating his condition

    CAUTION! If you’re unable or unwilling to take rescue breaths (e.g. bloody face, vomit), you may only perform resuscitation limited to chest compressions. In such conditions, do it continuously, at a frequency of 100 compressions per minute.

Automatic external defibrillator AED

If you have an automatic external defibrillator AED, use it even while performing resuscitation - the defibrillator makes rescue easier and can be used regardless of someone’s level of training 

    • Unpack the device
    • Switch on the device and apply the electrodes, according to the instructions, on the exposed chest (if there is more than one rescuer, apply the electrodes without interrupting resuscitation)
    • Follow the voice commands given by the device
    • Make sure that no one touches the victim during the AED's rhythm analysis and during the discharge